Measure for a ceiling fixed bay track for a square bay video

Hi. I'm Lee Stevens from

And I'm assuming you're watching this video because you're interested in placing an order for a custom made bay track to fit a square bay ceiling fix in the bay. Well, let me show you quickly what size you need to give us to place your order. Simply measure the full width at the three walls underneath your windowsill at the total together and enter that total figure into the track width box on the bay track order form. So after you've placed your order, you'll be automatically redirected to the order confirmation page.

And there'll be a button on this page, press that button, it sends you automatically through to the final measuring page. And on this page is a form with a box for each individual size that we need, and there's a template to follow. It's nice and simple, nothing complicated. I'll show you just shortly what sizes you're likely to be looking for.

And if you have any problems, not quite sure, need any help, then we're here to help you just please get in touch letters will start appearing around the bay on the corners, a, b, c, and d These are the measuring points you're going to measure in between these points underneath the window sill against the walls.

You're going to then eventually measure across from point A to D as well. That's called the mouth of the bay, and then we're going to measure the diagonals from D to B and A to C.

These will show how square your bay is. And also, if any of the sizes are not correct, we can catch that out by comparing them to the diagonals as well.

You also got the option to curve the ends of the track back to the wall to close the gap when the curtains are hanging. All these have a box to enter these figures in, details on the final measuring form If you need any more help, then you can just get in touch with us.

Discover more about our bay window curtain tracks here.